Here in the greater Lexington, SC area, it’s not easy to forget about the heat and humidity that the late spring and summer months bring. If your air conditioning unit hasn’t been providing you the comfort that you and your family deserve or want during the warmer months, you might need an AC replacement. But how do you know the best time to replace your air conditioner? Well the Brian’s Heating & Cooling team is here to help you. Keep reading below to learn why spring is the best time to replace your air conditioning unit in your Lexington, SC home.
Beat the Summer Rush
A huge benefit and reason to have your air conditioner replaced in the spring time is to beat the summer rush. With the hot and humid weather the summer brings, most local HVAC contractors are booked at full capacity. If your old AC unit breaks down on a hot summer day, chances are you won’t be able to have it replaced until a couple of days later or up to a couple of weeks. If you know that your AC unit is at the end of its lifespan, it’s best to go ahead and replace it in the springtime when you can plan for it and it doesn’t disrupt your home comfort.
Ensure Cool Comfort This Summer
Another reason to replace your air conditioner in the early spring is to ensure your comfort all summer long. The worst time for your air conditioner to breakdown is in the middle of the hot and humid SC summer. By installing your air conditioner in the spring, you’ll avoid any potential breakdown when the temperatures are rising.
Improve Energy Efficiency Before Peak Usage
Finally, newer air conditioning units perform significantly better and more efficiently than ones from 10-15 years ago. If you replace your older model AC unit in the spring time, you will significantly cut back on your energy usage this summer and save big on your energy bills. To learn more about some of the air conditioners we carry and install here at Brian’s Heating & Cooling, check out our
products page
6041 Edmund Hwy, Lexington, SC 29073