Climate control is an essential part of making your home a comfortable environment to enjoy with your friends and family. Whether you are trying to create a cozy, comfortable room on a cold winter’s night or keeping your Lexington, SC home cool on a hot summer day, a reliable and efficient HVAC system is essential. Brian’s Heating & Cooling is here to help you understand your HVAC system better to ensure you always get the comfort you deserve in your Lexington, SC home. Keep reading below to learn three important details to keep in mind when it comes to your heating and air conditioning system.
What Kind of HVAC System Does My Lexington, SC Home Have?
The first step to take if you are interested in updating your heating and air conditioning technology is knowing what kind of heating and cooling system you have in your Lexington, SC home. Different HVAC system require different installation and maintenance processes. Whether you have central heating, forced air, or a mini-spit system, the Brian’s Heating & Cooling team can provide you the HVAC service you need.
When Was My Heating & Cooling System Installed?
Additionally, it’s extremely important to know when your heating and cooling system was installed and how old it is. If your HVAC system is between 10-15 years old, it will probably be best to replace your entire HVAC system. Repairing older systems becomes more expensive over time so it’s more cost efficient in the long run to replace an older HVAC system compared to repairing it.
When Was My HVAC System Last Inspected by a Professional?
Finally, make sure you know the last time your HVAC system was inspected by your local HVAC contractor. Regular maintenance and inspections are a must if you want your heating and cooling equipment to perform effectively and efficiently. We suggest scheduling annual HVAC maintenance for optimal comfort in your Lexington, SC home. To learn more about our professional heating and cooling maintenance service, check out our
services page
or give the Brian’s Heating & Cooling team a call today!
6041 Edmund Hwy, Lexington, SC 29073