We know with the heat and humidity still hanging around here in the greater Lexington, SC area that it’s hard to think about cooler temperatures. Before we know it, we will be turning on our heating units to keep our families warm. While that time may seem far away, it’ll be here soon and the team here at Brian’s Heating & Cooling wants to ensure you are prepared. Below our team of HVAC experts have put together a few things you can do right now to prepare for the upcoming cooler weather. Keep reading below to learn more.
Check Your Air Filters
Dirty air filters can cause several problems with your heating and air conditioning system. For example, it may prevent your HVAC system from heating or cooling your home adequately and efficiently due to blocking the airflow in your Lexington, SC home. Keeping your air filters clean will ensure that you’re doing everything you can to keep your heating system running effectively and efficiently all fall and winter long.
Seal Air Leaks
Air drafts and poor insulation throughout your Lexington, SC home can have a huge impact on your comfort level and your energy bills. Air leaks can create space for the comfortable air your HVAC system produces to escape your home. This not only results in your home comfort but also your energy bills. Be sure to check your insulation before the fall and winter season arrives so you can keep your home warm and comfortable.
Schedule a Maintenance Appointment
Finally, make sure you schedule a professional heating system maintenance appointment before it’s too late. Regular HVAC maintenance is the best way to ensure your heating unit is in tip top shape this fall and winter. Check out our
maintenance service
page to learn more or give the Brian’s Heating & Cooling team a call today! We’re always happy to help our customers here in the greater Lexington, SC area with their heating and cooling service needs.
6041 Edmund Hwy, Lexington, SC 29073